Bennetts: Databricks implementation and enablement


Modasta collaborated with Bennetts, a leading UK-based insurance provider, on a transformative journey to harness the power of their data for enhanced business value.

Bennetts sought to elevate their operations by leveraging Databricks to develop an intelligence platform, aligning with industry best practices and establish a unified framework for data management and governance.

As an experienced Databricks partner, Modasta was entrusted to integrate and productionise Databricks within Bennetts, advance an inital use case (on membership), whilst also empowering their technical teams.

Together, we’re paving the way for Bennetts to unlock the full potential of their data-driven strategies and drive innovation across their business landscape.

The client

Tech stack


The Highlights

Modasta showcased the immense value that Databricks as an intelligence platform could deliver for Bennetts’ business.

Data to unlock the selected use case (memberships) was seamlessly ingested, processed and modelled securely on Databricks. This ensured that analytics became readily accessible.

The Bennetts data team were empowered to leverage core Databricks features and security, through technical workshops. Modasta shared their expertise with Bennetts to ensure the team were confident in developing the platform beyond the inital use case.

The approach

Modasta’s primary focus was on building best in class data foundations on Databricks, crafting a robust infrastructure tailored to meet both present business needs and future scalability requirements.

The Azure platform was reconstructed to facilitate a secure and private platform. Leveraging our expertise, we configured the existing Databricks platform on Azure with private networking and conducted comprehensive security analyses using the Databricks Security Analysis Tool (SAT). Utilising Terraform for deployment ensured streamlined resource management through infrastructure-as-code practices. Unity Catalog seamlessly facilitated data access and governance within the platform, complemented by the deployment of Databricks SAT to uphold the highest security standards.

For the selected use case (memberships), data was efficiently landed, processed, and modeled within Databricks, swiftly unlocking actionable insights for the business.

Central to our success was the empowerment of the Bennetts team, fostering their foundational knowledge on Databricks to confidently steer platform ownership and development post-engagement. To achieve this, we conducted technical feature demonstrations, outlining our recommendations for platform enhancements and ensuring Bennetts’ comfort with core changes implemented by Modasta. Throughout the engagement, daily stand-ups facilitated seamless collaboration, task-sharing, and resolution of queries to bolster the Bennetts team’s development efforts. Additionally, Modasta provided ongoing recommendations to support continued platform evolution.


“We engaged Modasta early in our journey to build a modern data stack. From day one, Modasta listened to our goals and proactively brought their expertise in cloud data technologies to help us: ​


  1. Establish and configure the data infrastructure with confidence.
  2. Provide reassurance of data security.
  3. Support with the transfer of skills for ongoing maintenance and development.

It was a highly valuable first engagement and we look forward to working with Modasta again in the future.”

Robert Butler, Head of Pricing and Insight at Bennetts

The next steps

With a robust Databricks platform now in place, Bennetts is working to implement further use cases with the knowledge gained from the engagement.

If you have any questions about how we could help your company, contact us directly!